I have discovered something which brings me joy.
The fabric glue stick.
I used to baste each individual pieces of the outer fabric for a corset to a piece of twill, one at a time, before assembly. Took longer than actually making the thing.
Now.. a few quick swipes with a water-soluble glue that dries pretty much indistinguishable from fusable interfacing and I'm good to go. It has chopped HOURS off how long it takes me to make a corset, start to end.
Offers zero in terms of stability, and can easily be pulled apart, but who cares? That's not a functional part of the garment, just to keep all the layers playing nice while I sew them together.
Thought I would share.
(oh, and I'm hoping to have a new one done for me by tonight. Fabric is all cut, just need to sew it together. Just going to create channels for the steels by sewing the layers together, and I'll floss it mid-week or something, so I think I can do it. If I, you know, leave the computer and get to work...)