So I'd say I'm at about 80% on the corset. Bone channels done on one side, busk in, just need to do the eyelets and bind the top and bottom.
I'm particularly pleased with this:
The busk is in, and I think I did a damn fine job matching the pattern from one side to the other. Not on the curves (since, well, how?), but across the center? Golden.
I ended up backing the fashion fabric with twill since it's such a light cotton that it would have stretched. I've checked and rechecked the measurements, compared them to existing corsets, and still feel like it's way too small. But compared to what I own, and based on the fittings, it should be good. If not, well, I can drop weight. ;)
The quarter inch spirals I got seem lighter than the kind I'm used to, and a lot more flexable, but I'm not terribly concerned, as the half inch flats will tak

e the brunt of the abuse and they're a good deal sturdier than anything I've worked with before now.
And, a bonus shot of the front pieced together ready to be sewn.