Monday, September 10, 2007

So, um... hi.

This is mostly for my own thoughts and organization, and an attempt to keep my sewing-related posts off my personal LJ. Which is more for the sanity of my friends than anything else.

But yes, the whole about me thing. Late 20s, post-goth (in that I just can't be bothered with all the velvet and PVC and so on these days), living in one of the few bastions of culture and commerce in a rapidly decaying city.
I'm part salesgirl, part computer geek, part gal Friday by day, not-quite-professional seamstress by night. Been computer geeking since I was about eight, sewing for just a little bit longer than that. Which means the time frame for both can be measured in decades. Which is pretty scary to me since I mentally still think of myself as just out of my teens.

SO... yeah.

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